
Showing posts from May, 2011


I have been working on my applique towels and have caught up to June. May and June's towels were very cute if I do say  so myself. I am learning new tricks every time I embroider. I think back a year ago and know I have come a long way. I really enjoy making the towels for my daughter and daughters-in-law and hope they like them too. Latest pics:

Panama City and more

I went with Jimmy to Panama City Beach, FL for his 1/2 Ironman. While he and Kay were plotting and stragegizying, I went to QUILTING BY THE BAY!!! Wow, that store is fabulous and I discovered it had been 2 years since I had been there but they still had me in their computer system. I got a little bid of this and a little bit of that! Came home loaded down with a lot of beach fabric (perfect for the August applique towels I am doing), some Dr. Seuss, and many other fabulous things.