
Showing posts from 2009


I have been so busy. I will post more later about JUST NEEDLES, my new machine, my new computer, and stuff!


I am sorry it's been so long since I have posted. I have a new SEWING machine! It's a Husqvarna Viking Designer SE. I am in serious love with this machine. It slices, it dices...but seriously folks, it sews, quilts, embroiders...EVERYTHING I want. Hopefully, I won't have to ever buy a new machine after forking over HUGE bucks for this one...ahh, well. It's only money. HA! The great thing is that I am able to have free classes on this baby plus go with a friend to her classes. Unfortunately, she can't come with me unless she pays $75.00 an HOUR. Yes, an hour. Sometimes I don't think business owners think before opening their mouths. Now, she won't ever go their shop. She'd rather go 1-1/2 hrs. away to another shop. Hmm. Something to think about. Other exciting news: Our new FIBER ARTs guild will hold the first meeting Oct. 6. I am so excited! This is going to be great for everyone.

Twins quilt

I have one top finished and Marsha has it now to embroider the name on it. It looks so nice. I will start piecing the other one tomorrow. I need to finish them before we go full speed into the wedding planning. oh, boy.

More sewing room ideas


Sewing room ideas

I have been googleing and have found some ideas for my sewing room for when Margaret moves out.

Another view

Apparently, I am not so good at this blogging stuff. So I will add another picture here. Remember, this was taken with a camera phone. lol


The mini quilt for the Spring Blooms Quilt Swap 2009 is finished. I can't believe it. And I learned so much from it. I hope that Rebecca Vollman of Australia enjoys it.

Finally....almost finished

I can't believe it. I am almost finished. I am washing the quilt now to get the blue out of it and will block it and finish it tomorrow. I am happy with it. I just hope Rebecca likes it. Margaret told me she likes it and would definitely hang it up! So I am thinking of a cute way to hang it. Maybe with a chain and twig like a bird house hanging? I will think on it.. I will post a picture of it soon. Jimmy comes home from the World Series in Omaha tomorrow. He is so disappointed that USM lost, but hey, he got to go to Omaha! Lisa Leake has asked me about quilting for yet-to-be-born twins. I will show her the quilt and see if she still is interested. We'll see. Ohhh, maybe she'll want to go fabric shopping with Marsha and me. OHHHHHHHH, YESSSSSS!

Mobile quilt show

Marsha and I attended the AzaleaCityQuilters quilt show today (well....Saturday) in Mobile. It was fabulous! We are going back today (Sunday) for more demonstrations. It just makes me want 1: a new sewing machine, and 2: to go to a large convention/quilt show. I will blog more later on this. I need some rest if we are hitting the road early. (getting up before 10 is early to me in the

On the bus

I have decided to bring my quilting with me on the STAR bus. I am playing games and I could be quilting. I plan to go to the Mobile AzealeaCityQuilters show on Saturday. I hope Marsha can go with me. I should be interesting. When I go home...yes, no meetings this afternoon...only a Storytime at 5:30 @ Ingall's ave. Baptist Church..I will applique my quilt.

Working on the top

I got the blocks sewn together last night. Tonight I work on applique. It looks really great without anything. But, with the stuff it'll be superb. (wow, big words.)

I'll be brief

I am going to Grace's recital today. I will try to sew tomorrow even tho Margaret's bd party is on.

Received quilt

I received a quilt yesterday from the Netherlands! It's so cool and beautiful. I hope she isn't disappointed that I am not supposed to send her a quilt (but I may) but to send mine to Australia. This is truly an international quilt site! I will post pics later.
I found out that the person I am sending my quilt to is a professional quilter. No pressure...right? Also, that she is not necessarily sending hers to me. It's a mystery! Sounds fun. Marsha and I went to Mobile today. I found a color wheel! I am so excited. I can keep it in my purse. Now I will work this summer toward and camera and ipod. and a printer and a computer (for quilt design) and.....FABRIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New fabric

I was able to go to Janet's in OS today and pick up new fabric for my small quilt I need to get busy on. I got some fabric for the small quilt, some for a breast cancer quilt (beginnings of it anyway), some white/offwhite fabric, some I just liked and then went to WalMart in Ocean Springs and got one of those longgggggggg storage roll carts. I am doing good. Washed the fabric, ironed it and am ready to go tomorrow! Come on rain. See if I care!
I hit a snag on the fabric but plan to get around it. Marsha and Iwill take a trip to Janet's in OS tomorrow to find some fabric to match or contrast or whatever. Found some ok bird applique stuff in one of my books and reduced it. Hope it'll work out ok.

Making a small quilt for the exchange

I have officially begun making my small quilt for Rebecca. I hope it turns out the way I have planned. I went thru my fabric stash today and started putting things together. I plan to make my first block tonight and tomorrow. It'll be the birdhouse block. I hope that Janet's has the companion fabric I need. I may have make a trip over there tomorrow or Wednesday. I'll get Marsha to go with me.